Membership Benefits

There are many reasons for becoming a part of NABA:
- Newsletters
- All NABA members receive quarterly newsletters that keep them up-to-date on the latest advancements in air barrier technology.
- Membership Bulletins
- Members receive frequent mailings about any current issues that are important to the air barrier industry.
- Portable Exhibit System
- NABA promotes air barriers and our members at trade and construction-related shows. The dynamic tabletop display is also available to members free of charge for promotional purposes.
- Industry Advertising
- NABA advertises in trade and consumer magazines targeting contractors, manufacturers, architects, engineers and consultants.
- Membership Directory
- Our membership directory promotes NABA members and provides networking opportunities.
- Master Specifications
- NABA Master Specifications have been written for design professionals to incorporate into the project specification. These master specifications can be found here.
- Technical Support
- NABA helps its members with information on specific issues or problems that arise. We facilitate bringing the latest technologies to you.
- Verification of Quality Contractors
- NABA promotes a professional environment. Our goal is to ensure that contractors operate professionally. We promote only the professional to the buying consumer.
- Skills Upgrading
- Members are provided with many opportunities to keep up-to-date with the latest technologies and practices.
- Inspection Services
- NABA provides certified inspectors who examine projects for job specification conformance, deficiencies, and installer evaluation.
- Promotion of Your Company
- NABA develops and supports initiatives that enhance and expand the air barrier industry. We are your referral service to a national market.
- Technology Transfer
- We give you access to research and development, and a communications vehicle to the air barrier industry.
- Unified Voice
- NABA is a liaison and representative for all levels of government, municipalities, and other regulatory bodies. We are a unified voice for the air barrier industry.
- Equal Market Opportunities
- Our organization has a provision to see that all contractors are treated equally and have the same opportunities.
- Regional Meetings
- Participation in NABA provides professionals with the opportunity to voice their needs and participate in various committees.
- Testing Equipment
- NABA provides you with resources that give you access to the latest testing equipment available on the market.